제품 :
- 바이오-3 폴리젠 샴푸는 폴리젠 콤플렉스가 두피를 강화하는데 도움을 준다는 것이 임상적으로 입증되었습니다.
- 두피의 탄력을 개선하고 두피의 노폐물을 제거하는 동시에 가려움증과 각질을 완화시켜 모발의 볼륨을 증가시키고 모발에 영양을 공급하는 독창적인 샴푸입니다.
- 바이오3 폴리젠 샴푸는 가늘어지는 모발을 위한 솔루션입니다. 집에서 즐기는 간단한 샴푸 트리트먼트! 두피 각질 제거, 과도한 피지, 모발 볼륨화, 모발 탄력, 부드러운 모발에 가장 적합합니다.
- 모발과 두피에 필수적인 딥 클린 케어를 제공함으로써 일반 샴푸로는 항상 얻을 수 없는 케어를 제공함으로써 두피와 모발 건강을 효과적으로 향상시켜 생기 넘치는 모발을 더욱 풍성하고 건강하게 만들어줍니다.
- 우리의 Bio-3 Folligen 샴푸 제품은 자부심을 가지고 만들어졌으며 더 나은 효과를 발휘하고 귀하와 귀하의 건강에 더 좋은 좋은 성분으로 만들어졌습니다. 정기적인 청소를 목적으로 함
주요 성분:
- 건강한 두피와 모발을 지원하는 세 가지 성분인 비오틴, 세라마이드NP, 쏘팔메토(세레노아 세룰라타 열매) 추출물이 결합된 폴리젠 콤플렉스입니다.
- 기타 주요 성분으로는 살리실산, 나이아신아미드, 덱스판테놀 등이 있습니다. 머리를 감을 때 정기적으로 샴푸로 사용하십시오.
사용하는 방법 :
- 사용 방법은 샴푸 제품을 사용하여 풍부한 거품을 낸 후 젖은 모발과 두피에 부드럽게 마사지하듯 부드럽게 마사지해 주세요.
- 미지근한 물로 깨끗이 헹구어 낸 후, 두피 상태에 따라 포리젠 트리트먼트나 포리젠 스칼프 팩을 사용하세요.
- 올바른 헤어 제품을 사용하는 것은 머리카락과 두피를 아름답고 건강하게 유지하는 데 필수적이며, Bio-3 Folligen 샴푸보다 머리카락 여행을 시작하는 더 좋은 방법은 없습니다!
- 정제수, 암모늄라우레스황산염, 암모늄라우릴황산염, 소듐라우로일메틸아미노프로피오네이트, 코카미도프로필베타인, 코카미드메틸MEA, 에탄올, 코카마이드MEA, 세틸알코올, 멘톨, 황산암모늄, 라우레스-3, 구아히드록시프로필트리모늄염화물, 세트리모늄염화물, 소듐벤조에이트, 라우릴 알코올, 덱스판테놀, 카프릴릴글라이콜, 살리실산, 글리세린, 염화나트륨, 트리하이드록시스테아린, 나이아신아미드, 디소듐EDT, 인간 탯줄 중간엽줄기세포배양액추출물, 폴리쿼터늄-7, 구연산, 장뇌, 맥아추출물, 카프릴릭/카프릭트리글리세라이드, 사발 야자열매추출물, 폴리소르베이트80, 레시틴, 미리스틸알코올, 1,2-헥산디올, 스테아릴알코올, 세라마이드엔피, 하이드롤라이즈드엘라스틴, 마데카소사이드, 잇꽃씨추출물, 부틸렌글라이콜, 하이드록시프로필하이드록시프로필밀단백질, 지황 뿌리추출물, 프로필렌글리콜, 양파추출물, 백단추출물, 브로콜리추출물, 질경이덩이추출물, 산수유열매추출물, 디프로필렌글리콜, 하이드로롤라이즈대두단백, 참마뿌리추출물, 대모갑추출물, 비피다발효용해물, 병풀잎추출물, 작약 뿌리추출물, 락토코커스발효용해물, 유산균발효용해물, 하이드롤라이즈케라틴, 하이드롤라이즈드실크, 에틸헥실글리세린, 펜틸렌글리콜, 오레가노잎추출물, 스피어민트추출물, 헥산디올, 글리신, 레몬밤추출물, 세린, 글루타민산, 시스테인, 수소화레시틴, 메티오닌, 아스파르트산 애시드, 류신, 백리향잎추출물, 동백나무잎추출물, 캐롭열매추출물, 우유단백질추출물, 사과민트잎추출물, 녹차추출물, 아르기닌, 알라닌, 아시아티코사이드, 라이신, 프롤린, 페닐알라닌, 트레오닌, 티로신, 카페인, 이소류신, 아시안 산, 발린, 마데카식애씨드, 히스티딘, 트립토판, 아스파라긴, 글루타민, 베타-글루칸, 향료, 페녹시에탄올, 헥실신나말, 시트로넬롤, 하이드록시시트로넬랄, 제라니올, 리나룰
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Every time I wash with this shampoo from Dr.Hair, my scalp ends up super clean. According to the website, the main active ingredients in this shampoo are clinically proven to help with hair thinning, no idea how long should it be used before definitely seeing results. I am still shedding hair. However, if the help comes from maintaining a clean, not overdry and detoxified scalp; I'd say it works and I like it a lot. I use this shampoo combined with the Volume treatment from the same brand. I re…commend them both for really nice, bouncy volume. Also, it has not affected my colored hair at all. At least, these are the results I have noticed so far.In terms of frequency of use, I am only using it once in 2 weeks; it is not clear to me if it is a clarifying shampoo, thus, I'd rather not use it every day so I do not overdry my hair.Unfortunately, all the information in the box is written in Korean, so my info about the product is somewhat limited.Apart from the above, the shampoo smells really nice. I always wash twice and get a rich, thick lather. The bottle comes sealed, with a very comfortable dispensing pump. There are 500 ml in the bottle, so, there's is plenty for my long hair.
My hair has been thinning and brittle (from age and weight loss) so I needed to do something. Ive been using this product for over a month and now see fine baby hairs growing around my temple where it was thinning. But it’s not a huge different — enough around the temples but not much around the rest of my scalp. I’ve got about half the bottle left so we’ll see if it makes any significant difference by the time I finish.
😃If you want to get rid of the oil and want your hair to be loose and airy, try this shampoo which contains several herbal extracts.😜If you want to prevent hair loss, it may not be as direct as medication💊, let alone expect to grow new hair with shampoo.😩The ingredients list is dense in Korean. I studied the instructions on how to use it. Squeeze 3-5 milliliters once, evenly apply it to the scalp, and rinse it off with warm water.✌Yes, I think it's just a regular oil removal shampoo. It doe…sn't smell irritating. Maybe long-term use will improve hair loss.
smells a little weird but overall its not that bad i did see a difference after one week
I'm in love with this shampoo. It makes my scalp and hair look and feel amazing after using it. It cleans my greasy blond scalp and hair well but it isn't drying - I haven't needed a separate conditioner afterwards, and my hair looks shiny, feels soft, and has extra body and bounce. The fragrance is pleasant too - not overwhelmingly strong like many shampoos. That's a big deal for me since I deal with chemical sensitivity and can't tolerate strong fragrances.Overall, I'm very happy with thi…s product! It definitely deserves a 5-star rating.
Can’t really say it’s doing much for growth yet, I’ve used it for about three weeks and haven’t seen a tremendous amount of growth? Maybe just the average growth that I would expect after a few weeks? The shampoo itself lathers up really nicely. I’m not too sure about the ingredients as they’re written in another language. it does smell nice and have a nice viscosity. I didn’t need an extra large amount for my long hair as it spread around my hair easily.
Unlike this shampoo because it makes my scalp feel moisturized and refreshed.
My husband loves this shampoo. It smells very good and slightly herbaceous. It also has a faint floral scent - something sweet that starts off strong when you apply it, but becomes more subtle as times goes on.It keeps his hair moisturized and voluminous after each wash, but to see results of hair regrowth, one must use this bottle regularly, I’d imagine. He has some dandruff issues, so he uses a dandruff shampoo half of the week. He also has a little bit of thinning hair on the top of his scal…p, but it’s been like that for a decade and it doesn’t show signs of worsening. He was going for volume and he got it, so he’s happy with it.Should he see hair regrowth in the scalp region, I will make sure to come back and update the review.
I try to take diligent care of my long hair. My scalp is dry and itchy, so I thought I would give Dr.FORHAIR Bio-3 Folligen Biotin Shampoo a try.This shampoo comes in a convenient pump bottle that works well. This shampoo has a light, clean smell. When I apply it to my hair, I feel a little tingling. It lathers well and rinses easily.This shampoo took care of my dry itchy scalp. I feel comfortable again! It did a good job on my hair, too. Since I have been using this shampoo, I have noticed man…y fewer strands of haor in my brush.I like the fact that this shampoo has no parabens, silicones, sulfates, or artificial pigment. Instead, Methylisothiazolinone (MIT) and Methylchloroisothiazolinone (CMIT) often used as preservatives are not in this shampoo. Benzophenone 3 and 4 are not used either. These are typically used to protect hair from ultra-violet. I had to search their website for the ingredients. They are:WaterDisodium Laureth SulfosuccinateLauryl HydroxysultaineCocamide Methyl MEAStyrene/Acrylates CopolymerGlycerinSodium Cocoyl IsethionatePEG-120 Methyl Glucose DioleatePropanediolFragranceSodium Lauroyl MethylaminopropionateAlcoholPEG-45 Palm Kernel GlyceridesPanthenolC12-13 Alkyl LactatePolyquaternium-10Cetrimonium ChlorideZinc PyrithioneSalicylic AcidMentholCocamidopropyl BetaineCaprylyl GlycolTrihydroxystearinDisodium EDTAZinc ChlorideSodium BenzoatePolyquaternium-7PEG-6 Caprylic/Capric GlyceridesEthylhexylglycerinSodium ChlorideCitric AcidCamellia Japonica Seed OilArgania Spinosa Kernel OilAdenosineDisodium PhosphateNiacinamideMoringa Oleifera Seed OilTocopherolBiotinCeramide NPLecithinCaprylic/Capric TriglyceridePolysorbate 80Serenoa Serrulata Fruit ExtractCaffeic AcidRhodiola Rosea Root ExtractDioscorea Japonica Root ExtractPaeonia Lactiflora Root ExtractZingiber Officinale (Ginger) Root ExtractSophora Flavescens Extract1,2-HexanediolThe active ingredients are Biotin, Ceramide NP, and Saw Palmetto (Serenoa Serrulata Fruit).This works for me. I hope it works for you!This deal is for 26.9 fluid ounces.This shampoo is made in Korea.
So I had dandruff, like "Tried every natural remedy and still needed medicated shampoo" dandruff. I had minimal hopes for this but somehow it seems to be managing my scalp really well?? I wash every 4th day and I haven't noticed any difference in flaking using this compared to my 1% Coal Tar Selsun Blue, but my hair itself is muuuuch smoother. I'm still nervous and keep checking but this seems to be managing my scalp well without destroying my hair. I'm in shock??
It smells good and gets my hair really clean but I can't really attest to how fast it grows the hair. I washed and braided my hair after. I can see a tad bit of new growth but that's also very normal for me. It leaves my scalp feeling fresh and breathable.
Have been using this for the last 2 weeks, so not long enough to see if it's doing much.However, the texture is good and the smell is pleasant.I like quite a few Korean products. It's not made from China, if that helpsMy package came a little damaged, but it didn't affect the bottle itself.If you are interested in the full ingredients list:INGREDIENTS :Water, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Lauroyl MethylaminopropionateCocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide Methyl MEA, Etha…nol, Cocamide MEA, Cetyl Alcohol, MentholAmmonium Sulfate, Laureth-3, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Cetrimonium ChlorideSodium Benzoate, Lauryl Alcohol, Dexpanthenol, Caprylyl Glycol, Salicylic Acid, GlycerinSodium Chloride, Trihydroxystearin, Niacinamide, Disodium EDTAHuman Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cell Conditioned Media Extract (979 ppm)Polyquaternium-7, Citric Acid, Camphor, Malt Extract, Caprylic/Capric TriglycerideSerenoa Serrulata Fruit Extract, Polysorbate 80, Lecithin, Myristyl Alcohol1, 2-Hexanediol, Stearyl Alcohol, Ceramide NP, Sodium Starch OctenylsuccinateMadecassoside, Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) Seed Extract, Butylene GlycolHydrolyzed Collagen, Propanediol, Biotin, Laurdimonium Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat ProteinRehmannia Chinensis Root Extract, Propylene Glycol, Allium Cepa (Onion)Bulb Extract, Artemisia Capillaris Extract, Brassica Oleracea Italica (Broccoli)Extract, Alisma Orientale Tuber Extract, Cornus Officinalis Fruit ExtractDipropylene Glycol, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Dioscorea Japonica Root ExtractSmilax Glabra Root Extract, Bifida Ferment Lysate, Centella Asiatica Leaf ExtractPaeonia Suffruticosa Root Extract, Lactococcus Ferment Lysate, Lactobacillus Ferment LysateHydrolyzed Keratin, Hydrolyzed Silk, Ethylhexylglycerin, Pentylene GlycolOriganum Vulgare Leaf Extract, Mentha Viridis (Spearmint) Extract, HexanediolGlycine, Melissa Officinalis Extract, Serine, Glutamic Acid, CysteineHydrogenated Lecithin, Methionine, Aspartic Acid, LeucineThymus Vulgaris (Thyme) Leaf Extract, Diospyros Kaki Fruit Extract, Camellia Japonica Leaf ExtractCeratonia Siliqua (Carob) Fruit Extract, Milk Protein Extract, Mentha Suaveolens Leaf ExtractCamellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Arginine, Alanine, Asiaticoside, Lysine, Proline, PhenylalanineThreonine, Tyrosine, Caffeine, Isoleucine, Asiatic Acid, Valine, Madecassic AcidHistidine, Tryptophan, Asparagine, Glutamine, Beta-Glucan, FragrancePhenoxyethanol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Citronellol, Hydroxycitronellal, GeraniolLinalool
This biotin shampoo is great for reducing hair loss. It helps strength your hair follicles and improve the function. After continuing use you would see the difference this shampoo makes. This shampoo can be used by anyone to restore and strengthen the hair.
I typically use conditioner, but if a shampoo comes as a stand-alone product that’s how I test it. This shampoo didn’t leave my hair dry or frizzy, so I was quite impressed with that. I’ll continue to use it as it does leave my scalp feeling clean and seems to remove any buildup from other hair products. I’m a little surprised that so many reviewers have questioned why a Korean product has information in that language on their bottle. For those worried about not being able to read the ingredien…ts – a valid concern – the company has a very helpful English-language website with all of the ingredients listed. You can find a link from the seller in the Q&A section of the Amazon listing. There are lots of natural extracts and nothing that caused me any concern, but it’s important to know that one ingredient is human umbilical stem cell extract, which some might prefer not to use. Personally, I’m happy with this shampoo and will be checking out this company’s other products.